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Yuri Andropov and Vladimir Putin: on the way to revival (Юрий Андропов и Владимир Путин На Пути к Возрождению) by Yuri Drozdov, Vasily Fartyshev #40
This book Yuri Andropov and Vladimir Putin: on the way to revival (Юрий Андропов и Владимир Путин На Пути к Возрождению) was written by Yuri Drozdov, Vasily Fartyshev. The book is printed in Moscow in Russian Language; 2002; Olma-Press Publisher, Russia. The book is from series “Files”. Please read the summary of the book in Russian (see picture). The book was written by Ю.Дроздов В.Фартышев. Size is 5 x 8.0”, Hard cover, 350 pages. The book is in excellent new condition. Please visit other pages of our website for more variety of Russian and Soviet gifts, collectibles, antiques, jewelry and much more.