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RUSSIAN VINTAGE BOOK - Izbornik, The Works of the Ancient Russian Literature (Библиотека Всемирной Литературы) #1
This vintage book Izbornik (The Works of the Ancient Russian Literature) is printed in Moscow, USSR in Russian Language; 1969. Khudozhestvennaya Literatura Publisher. The book is from series “Библиотека Всемирной Литературы (Library of World Literature)”. The fifteenth volume of the first series is represented by the works of the first seven hundred years of Russian literature and includes three sections - ''The First Tercentenary'' (''The Tale of Bygone Years'', ''The Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh'', ''The Tale of Igor's Campaign'', ''Old Russian Collections of Aphorisms'', etc.), ''Three hundred years of Moscow Literature'' (''Zadonshchina'', ''The Tale of Dracula Governor'', ''The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom'', etc.), and ''The Age of Fracture'' (''The Tale of Avraamy Palitsyn'', ''Legendary Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Turkish Sultan'', ''The Tale of Yersh Yershovich'', ''The Life of Archpriest Avvakum'', etc.). Size is 8 x 6”, Hard cover, 798 pages. Good condition. Please visit other pages of our website for more variety of Russian and Soviet gifts, collectibles, antiques, jewelry and much more.