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Russian book Гражданин Тьмы, Anatoly Vladimirovich Afanasyev Анато́лий Влади́мирович Афана́сьев #103
This book Гражданин Тьмы; printed in Moscow, Russia in Russian Language; 2001. Martin Publisher. Anatoly Vladimirovich Afanasyev (Russian: Анато́лий Влади́мирович Афана́сьев, June 3, 1942 Moscow - October 8, 2003 Moscow) was a Russian writer Anatoly Afanasyev was born into a professor's family in , In the 70s ”) was published in 1974. Novels Hello, Afinogen! (Privet, Afinogen !, 1976), Komandirovka (“Work Trip”, 1978), Bolno ne budet (“Don't Make It Sore”, 1980), I pomni obo mne (“Remember Me”, 1982) and the collection of narratives Melodija na dva golosa ( “Melody for Two Voices,” 1983) made Afanasjev one of the best-known representatives of urban prose in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1990s, he began writing popular crime novels depicting contemporary Russia. Afanasyev was accepted as a member of the Soviet Writers' Union in 1975. In the 1980s, he served as secretary of the Moscow Writers' Union and since 1994 as a board member of the Russian Writers' Union. He was also a member of the editorial boards of Literaturnaja Rossija and Den. Size is 8 x 5.25”, Hard cover, 351 pages. The book is in excellent condition. Please visit other pages of our website for more variety of Russian and Soviet gifts, collectibles, antiques, jewelry and much more.